Inheritance of red genes do not forget the original mission - Fengle agricultural chemical Party Committee organized party members to carry out red education activities

Release time: 2023-08-04 Number of readings:

          为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,进一步引导激励广大党员干部职工紧跟总书记、奋进新征程、建功新时代,充分发挥党员先锋模范带头作用,NBA竞猜官网农化党委分别于721-722日、728-29(in two batches) organized party members in fat, department heads, and active Party members in total80More than people went to Yuexi Red Education Base to carry out theme Party Day activities。

The first stop, we came to the Dabie Mountain Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, comrades wearing party badges, orderly formation, full of respect, in the Dabie Mountain martyrs Cemetery held a solemn memorial activities。Everyone walked to the martyrs Cemetery monument, presented flower baskets, bowed, and expressed their deep memory and high respect for the martyrs。In the face of the bright red Party flag, the two groups of comrades were respectively under the leadership of the Party secretary and chairman of Fengle Agricultural Chemical, revisiting the oath to join the Party。The sonorous oath and firm commitment express the political belief that all party members do not forget the original heart and keep in mind the mission。

The second stop,We visited the former residence of Wang Buwen, a patriotic education base,We listened carefully to the narrator narrated the heroic deeds of Wang Buwen, the first secretary of Anhui Province,Feel Comrade Wang Buwen in parting "when (the party) is used.,The noble feelings of less use at home,Infected and shocked every party member who visited,Let everyone accept a profound revolutionary tradition of education。

The third station, we came to the anti-Japanese work group resident site-Liu's temple integrated hall, the docent introduced a picture of the revolutionary heroes and their deeds, in the face of a weapon used by the martyrs and a variety of life items, we seem to return to the year of the eventful years。I felt their hatred for the Japanese invaders and their boundless loyalty and love for the motherland and the people。

In this red education activity, the party members of Fengle Agricultural Chemical Party Committee accepted an unforgettable spiritual baptism, and the flowers of revolutionary victory watered by the ancestors with their blood and life were hard-won, deeply shocking every visitor at the scene。Comrades who participated in the education activities have said that they should remember the history, inherit the red gene, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, work hard to gather strength and perform their duties, and contribute to the stable and healthy development of Fengle agricultural chemistry。


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